Venita Ramirez
Embodiment, Awareness & Subtle Energy
For Late-Stage Therapists, Coaches & Facilitators
January 18th - June 20th, 2024
2 pm - 3:50 pm Pacific Time

"Reflecting on all of the elements and all of the thoughtfulness and the way you wove those many elements together, along with the practices - the course was so well orchestrated and flowed so beautifully."
Melissa Ransdell - Consultant/Purpose Agent
Twelve Sessions Online
Every Two Weeks
Beginning January 18. 2024
Tuition: $2200 USD
Learn and practice skills and methods to help individuals release blockages in their mind, body and subtle energy field. Help them heal trauma and open to the love and freedom of spacious Awareness
We will integrate concepts and interventions from
Psychology, Eastern Philosophy, Breathwork,
Subtle Energy, Stage Development and Awareness Modalities and Interventions
This class is by invitation
and limited to ten participants

"The tantric teachings, or a deeper analytic understanding, take a long time and a lot of work to get to where you are holding it and using it well. And this idea of taking something as rarified and precious as that and bringing it to people as something ordinary and playful in everyday life - feels interesting and deep. The way you’ve taught this is a reflection of that - something born of rarified and precious lineage streams that ultimately becomes very ordinary - be with your body, notice what’s going on, breathe. And it often gets quite playful and lively in that ordinary expression.”

In this course we will learn by observing, participating, and by discussing what we experience. Plan on an additional three or four hours every two weeks for reading, viewing videos or practicing with other group members.
At each session we will begin with a brief check in, or a short introduction to a topic, and a brief centering process.
Next I will invite one of you to do/receive some work as a client for 40-45 minutes while everyone else observes. You'll have the opportunity to observe and learn various methods and techniques applied to the uniqueness of individuals and content that arises.
After a short break, we'll have time for reflections on what just occurred, time for questions and discussion to deepen understanding; and time for further short teachings of particular interest to group members.
"The Universe - what it means to each one of us - wants to express its appreciation for this offering.
We cleansed some of the collective thought stream in our time together.”
Richard Harmer, Developmental Psychologist
Topics Will Include
Tuition Includes:
12 two-hour sessions on-line
Optional practice sessions with cohort members
Access to 30-page article describing methods
Payment options to reserve your place
Pay in Full $2200
Pay in Two Installments $1100
Pay Monthly $375
To Register and reserve your place send payment
via Venmo at venita-ramirez or
via PayPal at

Topics Will Include
The Physical Body
Use breath & awareness to relax body and mind
Read the body and the breath
Identify unconscious material and patterns of holding
- Learn how body armoring prevents awareness
- Learn how awareness through the body impacts energy, emotion, and mental activity
Facilitate healing and spiritual awakening through the body
Emotional Wellbeing
Practitioner/Client Relationship
Healthy Attachment
Minimizing Anxiety
Facilitate the release of feelings and memories
Heal and Integrate Family of Origin Material
Sense/Identify Regression and Dissociation
Integrate Stage Development
Subtle Energy Field
Understand How Energy Moves through the Body
Identify energy centers and corresponding psychological content
Learn techniques for creating fluid energetic boundaries
Dissolve subtle energy Impressions
Expand the energy field
Sense into the subtle field of others to receive information
Awareness Itself
Relax into Clear Light
Listen into the Field of Awareness
Use the Power of Silence
Describe the Undescribable
Feel and Know Yourself as Awareness Itself
Consciously share the Field of Awareness with others
Integrate Body, Mind, Spirit of Individual and Collective